About Me

First of all, thank you for visiting or wandering in!

My life leading up to now has been primarily focused on doing well in school, doing well in medical school, surviving residency training, and finally, today, serving patients as a consultant physician in sunny Phoenix, AZ.

That’s not to say that I did not pick up multiple hobbies and interests outside of medicine along the way: piano, violin, singing, drawing, all things technology, and finally, photography.

My father was my first exposure (ahem) to photography, though his approach traditionally been a “shoot now never look at later” one. My interest in photography has carried into adulthood, but I have found that times have changed, print photo albums have been largely replaced by social media low-res thumbnails, and I found myself with the same conundrum of collecting shots without a medium to view or share my photos.

So here we are! This website serves as my first foray into sharing my photography, and perhaps, unsolicited thoughts with the world.